My mother was baptized in 1974. And yes, it was because of the 1975 fevor.
She had been studying for up to two years at that point. That was when I first stepped into a KH in 1972.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i was baptized at the "sacred secret" district convention in 1976. funny thing really i don't remember the 1975 issue as i was studing at that time and some how the subject never came up.
i was baptized at the inglewood california dc...
My mother was baptized in 1974. And yes, it was because of the 1975 fevor.
She had been studying for up to two years at that point. That was when I first stepped into a KH in 1972.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
These "rubbish speakers" in my hall are elders.
When a MS gives an outstanding public talk and the audience hems in around him after the meeting to thank him for such a wonderful part, these elders stay far clear from this brother and NEVER offer any commendation. Yes, I've seen it oh so many times. I often was the MS.
"Oh how can a lowly MS be so excellent with his teaching skills? Aren't we, the elders, the highly qualified and experienced ones?"
Doesn't that senerio remind of you of the Pharisees?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
as a jw, alot of us lead double lives.
i know i did.. in talking about our situations with my sister in law, realized that i now lead a double life as a "fader"!!!
my husband and i are "out" of the religion (my brother, sister in law and the kids too) but for the sake of family, they think we are still "in" although they know we are not active.
Double life?
Is that the same meaning as "being true according to a specific circumstance"?
People change. Times change. Moods change.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
Welcome Marmot!
It isn't easy trying to contain yourself under those circumstances that you described. However, you found yourself here and posting. How do you feel now? Yes, you can say what you like. Many of us understand as some of us are in the same boat as you are.
We hope to keep hearing from you!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
my name is becky aka mrsroller.
i call myself that because the notorious rollerdave is my hubby.
i met dave when he was in his early thirties and it had only been a few years since he had left the jw's.
Hi Mrs.Roller and welcome to the world of JWD!
I had a chance to communicate with your husband RollerDave and found that he is a very respectful and considerate person.
Hopefully we'll hear more from you and your experiences in life.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
for saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
Every meeting now I ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting"
Oompa, do you know what I do?
Once the book study meeting is over, instead of the usual mundane chat regarding weather and work, I occasionally ask the brothers and sisters in my bookstudy group (Revelation Climax publication) what they learned from the meeting.
They look at me as if I'm challenging them. Perhaps they feel threatened. Very possible it's because they don't know what happened during that one hour. Somehow they look nervous. I suppose talking about the weather is paramount in their daily living along with their eternal salvation.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
from a great wikipedia entry about controversies regarding jw's:'s_witnesses unfulfilled predictionspredictions such as the following have appeared in various watchtower publications:[56].
1907: armageddon will culminate in the year 1914.
[57]1917: in 1918, god would begin to destroy churches "wholesale" and church members by the millions.
Your concepts put into words are just amazing. Painting pictures with dialogue is your gift. Thanks for contributing with your posts. I always look forward to them.
And if you don't mind, I'll gladly use your analogy about 1914 and the concept time with those whom the discussion may come up with when it comes to WTS dates.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously) good luck.
i god 94 years total.
I received this test in an e-mail I received yesterday.
My real age is accurate and the predicted time of my demise is at 80 years old.
Actually, it encourages me to better my health habits. If not for me, then for my family. I want to be with them for as long as possible.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
hello, yes the scotsman has returned, but i have been naughty .
i have been doing some of my own research on the internet etc regarding jws and some doctrinal issues.. i have had some doubts for a while but am beginning to think that some of our current teachings are simply unsustainable.. example - the 1914 timeframe.. the reason that this is so pivotal is that it is a foundation stone of the organization.
evidence is easily available to prove that this date is unsafe.. many on here speculate about revolution in the organization etc, if 1914 was moved it would have a catastrophic effect on the ordinary publisher and would lead to big change across the congregations.
I remember when you first started posting. You were diligent enough to tough it out while you could. There is value in that. Stand up for what you believe in. Then that will only further deepen your beliefs because it will force you to find solice and peace in your truth.
Yes, stand up firmly in what you believe in. If someone questions you about it, then there is the opportunity to examine your beliefs. That is what you did. That is what many of of did.
Do you believe everything in the local newspaper? Do you read everything in the local newspaper?
Do you believe everything in the WTS publications? Do you read everything in the WTS publications?
For you to be in the WTS corporation and associating with JW, the only way for you to survive and endure in terms of not wanting to leave/fade/DA/DF (for family or other reasons), then you will have to believe and read ONLY what you are confident in.
With the local newspaper, some only read the comics. Some only read the editorials. Some only read the classifieds. Some only read world headlines. Some of what we read in the newspapers have a significant bearing on our lives. Some of what we read don't. Yes, people don't believe all what they read nor do all people read everything in the papers. The same with the WTS publications.
Stick to what you firmly believe in. But you must back it up. Otherwise, its unbelievable.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
you know, the one where independent bible research is forbidden, er, discouraged.. .
did anybody actually have the balls to say, "the society does not say such activities are forbidden or discouraged, just not endorsed?
" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).
so as to analyze the accuracy of the New World Translation
That has just got to ring BELLS!!!
They almost seem to be tipping the R&F off. Why even bring up the accuracy of the NWT Bible?
Yes, they obviously know that JW are finding out much about the WTS and its ways. But foolishly they are telling them specific areas of doubt.
Any thinking person has just got to follow up on this. Really, think of this senerio. Suppose you hired a real estate agency to assist you in buying a house. Then this agency told you that many of their clients are now trying to investigate the integrity of the houses that this real estate agency had been selling. And besides this, the real estate agency now tells you that it is unnecessary and a waste of your time to even inquire about the specifics of the house you are willing to invest in. Would that just scream to you that something is fishy?
OMG is all I can say.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)